Vineyard Management Via UAV

Aerial Vs Ground

Fast & Cost Effective Spraying

Yamaha R-MAX UAV

Targetted Fertilizer & Pesticide Spraying

The Future Is Now…

The Yamaha RMAX can carry a load of 28kg with a flying time of one hour before requiring refueling. In ideal circustances we can spray 1 hectare every 6 minutes. Hovering at a height of 3 metres it will deliver a 5 metre span of pesticide or fertilizer with minimal spray drift. More targetted spraying is also possible using the central spray nozzle.

The speed, accuracy and ease of spraying via the Yamaha RMAX is only part of the story.

Vineyard spraying via drones allows us to access deep gullies and hillsides that are difficult to reach on land.  While it may be to dangerous for ATV’s to access hillsides after rain when the soil is wet, soft and slippery we can still operate and there is no damage from soil compaction.

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Take Advantage Of These Aerial Spraying Benefits


Can cover steep hillsides and deep gullies with ease.


Low height spraying with a 5 metre span plus additional central spay for highly tagetted applications


Low height targetted spraying provides minimal spray drift of chemicals

No Damage

Aerial Spraying causes no soil compaction or damage to the crops roots