Specialists In Targetted Weed Spraying
Don’t Let Weeds Rob You Blind…
The Yamaha RMAX can carry two 8 litre jugs with a flying time of one hour before requiring refueling. Hovering at a height of 3 metres it will deliver a 6 metre span of pesticide with minimal spray drift. For more targetted spraying we can use the central spray nozzle to hit problem hotspots directly.
The speed, accuracy and ease of spraying via the Yamaha RMAX is without equal!
Weeds can quickly take control of your land. They can rob the soil of nitrogen and stored water needed for your healthy crops which reduces your yield. In recent studies uncontrolled weed growth reduced crop yields by up to 40%. That’s a massive impact on bottom line profits.
We can cover most variety of open field weeds and woody weeds like Lantana, blackberries as well as marsh area’s and dam, river and lakes systems infested with water bound specie’s of weed which can chock water ways.
Get A Quote For Weed Management
Take Advantage Of These Aerial Spraying Benefits
We can cover steep hillsides and deep gullies with ease. Take back control of your land!
Low height spraying with a 5 metre span plus additional central spay for highly targetted applications
Our low height targetted spraying provides minimal spray drift of harmful chemicals.
Better Yields
Proper weed management will provide optimum conditions for your land to grow what you want wherever you want.